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A cat has a total of thirty two muscles in each ear.

In 1386 a pig in France was executed by public hanging for the murder of a child.

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Name: Sevi Joined: 11-June 14 Posts: 5
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Location: No Information Local Time: May 18 2024, 07:20 PM Skype: No Information
Other Characters: way more people than I should -_-
About Me
...let's hope Sevi doesn't regret this one.
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Basic Information Extended Information
Full Name: James Kristian Maddox (Kris)

Gender: Male

Birthday: 28 January 1694

Age: 338 Years Old

Species: Shifter

Bloodline: Turned

Ethnicity: Irish/Welsh
Hometown: Nassau, Bahamas

Favorite Place:

Current Location:


Education: Doctorate in Linguistics

Infection Stage: 1

Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Player Links
Maternal Grandparents: Unknown
Paternal Grandparents: Unknown
Mother: Dierdre Haden
Father: Rhobert Kendrick
Siblings: None

Significant Other: None
Best Friend: Phillipa Normandy
Children: Elianna Ayres
Tid-Bits Appearance Personality

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of all the money that e'er I had

Agile ∙ Swift ∙ Medium-Framed ∙ Lithe ∙ Narrow
    Strength is a friend to Kristian, but it is speed and agility that are on his side in this form. While he is not airy or delicate in build that a lot of wolves with those abilities are, his legs are long and thin and his chest, while muscular, is rather narrow. Kris is almost lanky, giving him the look of perhaps a yearling in spite of his true age. He carries himself as if he is much larger than he is, and with confidence like his, you might almost believe him. Kristian's eyes are a vibrant blue-green with the faintest flecks of gold in them. His pelt is almost a silvery shade with a lighter, creamy underbelly. It only makes sense that a man once so obsessed with treasure would have traces of such colors on himself. He can appear quite fierce if he wishes it, but he isn't really one who just throws his size or strengths around unless there is an opportune time to use them to his benefit.

    I spent it in good company,

    Rugged ∙ Scarred ∙ Green-Eyed ∙ Dark-haired ∙ Angular

    Handsome, devilish, and rugged, Kristian's got all the assets he needs to get his way in the world. And he knows it too. SEVI SUCKS AT APPEARANCES....LEAVE HER ALONE. IN BLOODY PROGRESS!

and all the harm that e'er I've done

Resilient ∙ Cunning ∙ Shrewd ∙ Resourceful ∙ Manipulative
    Previously known as one of the most unforgiving, and ruthless dogs on the sea, Kristian has always been one to act first and ask questions later. A man of constant action, it is seldom to find him sitting still in thought for very long. When he does stop to think, it is normally to weigh his options when the stakes are high. He has learned to think on his feet and make choices at the turn of the head; and so Kristian generally does well under pressure. The few times he doesn't is when the people he loves are directly involved - it is very hard for him to keep his head about him without losing all sense and depending on his animosity to guide him. He is very clever and inventive and can find solutions in the most strenuous of obstacles. A master manipulator, Kristian is very accustomed to having things go his way. His tongue is practically made of silver, as he can talk himself out of almost anything. He is a persistent bugger and is no stranger to the phrase "never say die"; in fact, it's an idiom he lives by to this day. Kristian is a man who knows how to get by in life and there have been very few times that he has ever been bested.

    alas it was to none but me

    Adventurous ∙ Fearless ∙ Swashbuckler ∙ Exuberant ∙ Brash

    While he may be swindled at the prospect of riches and glory, what really wins Kristian over is the promise of a good adventure. The man knows little fear and will go up against the most dangerous odds without even a second thought. He is not someone who second guesses himself, always knowing exactly what he wants and how he's going to get it. Such a thing can make him quite impulsive as he does not really give much of a thought to a lot of decisions or actions of his unless the situation really calls for it. Such a thing has made him out to be quite brash and daring, but Kristian has always loved taking risks; something that has not really changed much with the times. Even with all he has lost and gone through, he still retains this lively energy about him that is practically contagious to others; it's impossible to look at him and believe all the losses he has experienced. As a skilled swordsman, he loved nothing more than a good, challenging skirmish. A combination of his bravery and recklessness was what always lead him into folly more often than not, and what brought him to his crews' side in a raid where he fought just as valiantly as they did. While being a pirate, the unfortunate death of his mother kept him humble, and he has always had the mentality of never leaving someone behind. The one person he did leave behind has haunted him to this day.

    and all I've done for want of wit,

    Optimistic ∙ Charming ∙ Kind ∙ Passionate ∙ Outgoing

    Kristian might have been alive for three centuries, but he is not someone that will be caught brooding over times gone by. He is a very optimistic person that consistently tries to live in the moment and enjoy the pleasures that life still has to offer even after all this time he's been alive. He might be a brute to some extent, but he is not above charming his way into people's hearts if they are of interest to him, whether or not this is for personal gain or not, it can be hard to say. He is not quiet by choice and usually gets his energy by being around others, even if he isn't apart of the conversation, Kris gets just as much stimulation just listening and hearing the stories of others, not matter how interesting or boring. Being someone with such high energy, he exerts a lot of it towards passion and thus he is a very passionate man towards both people, adventure, and anything that interests him. When he invests his time into something, he is all in and does so wholeheartedly. To those that matter to him, Kristian is very kind - but it isn't always evident how much he cares for them as he still hasn't learned how to completely show it, or rather would prefer not to. His daughter, Ellie is the only person who has ever truly known their place in his heart and he's lost her... Kristian is a hardened individual now because of this.

    to mem'ry now I cannot recall

    Cold ∙ Unforgiving ∙ Ornery ∙ Hotheaded ∙ Cheeky

    Praesent auctor ipsum mi, quis semper ligula adipiscing id. Fusce sagittis purus sit amet elit ornare pretium. Suspendisse tempor libero diam, sed sodales libero commodo in. Morbi imperdiet sapien ut dolor tristique, eu auctor dolor facilisis. Quisque sit amet auctor erat. Sed volutpat mauris at nibh congue porta. Nunc tincidunt est dui, id vulputate risus sagittis id. Proin egestas sollicitudin molestie. Ut nisi leo, eleifend sed fermentum ut, vestibulum ac sem. Fusce vitae arcu hendrerit, egestas mauris ac, vestibulum turpis. Quisque sed lorem rhoncus, lacinia urna in, sollicitudin enim. Integer et ultricies elit. Nunc vitae metus dui. Proin faucibus magna sed odio accumsan varius. In mauris sapien, porta ac ultricies nec, scelerisque at lectus. Ut venenatis ullamcorper purus et mattis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent sodales mi.

    so fill to me the parting glass

    Fighter ∙ Ambitious ∙ Domineering ∙ Leader ∙ Protective

    Praesent auctor ipsum mi, quis semper ligula adipiscing id. Fusce sagittis purus sit amet elit ornare pretium. Suspendisse tempor libero diam, sed sodales libero commodo in. Morbi imperdiet sapien ut dolor tristique, eu auctor dolor facilisis. Quisque sit amet auctor erat. Sed volutpat mauris at nibh congue porta. Nunc tincidunt est dui, id vulputate risus sagittis id. Proin egestas sollicitudin molestie. Ut nisi leo, eleifend sed fermentum ut, vestibulum ac sem. Fusce vitae arcu hendrerit, egestas mauris ac, vestibulum turpis. Quisque sed lorem rhoncus, lacinia urna in, sollicitudin enim. Integer et ultricies elit. Nunc vitae metus dui. Proin faucibus magna sed odio accumsan varius. In mauris sapien, porta ac ultricies nec, scelerisque at lectus. Ut venenatis ullamcorper purus et mattis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent sodales mi.

    goodnight and joy be with you all

    Affectionate ∙ Self-Sacrificing ∙ Remorseful ∙ Vulnerable

    Praesent auctor ipsum mi, quis semper ligula adipiscing id. Fusce sagittis purus sit amet elit ornare pretium. Suspendisse tempor libero diam, sed sodales libero commodo in. Morbi imperdiet sapien ut dolor tristique, eu auctor dolor facilisis. Quisque sit amet auctor erat. Sed volutpat mauris at nibh congue porta. Nunc tincidunt est dui, id vulputate risus sagittis id. Proin egestas sollicitudin molestie. Ut nisi leo, eleifend sed fermentum ut, vestibulum ac sem. Fusce vitae arcu hendrerit, egestas mauris ac, vestibulum turpis. Quisque sed lorem rhoncus, lacinia urna in, sollicitudin enim. Integer et ultricies elit. Nunc vitae metus dui. Proin faucibus magna sed odio accumsan varius. In mauris sapien, porta ac ultricies nec, scelerisque at lectus. Ut venenatis ullamcorper purus et mattis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent sodales mi.
of all the comrades that e'er I had,
    • In 1693, a whore was impregnated by a pirate by the name of Rhobert Kendrick and thus, James Kristian was born 9 months later in Nassau, Bahamas.

    • His mother, both too young and ill to raise a child left him on the foundlings bed. He was instantly taken in by visiting lonely widow, Nesta Maddox and she raised him as her own. When it was clear he was to survive and was well, she sailed back to the United Kingdom with him four days later.

    • James grew up in Llanelli, Wales. He never knew of his true parents' identities. Nesta was of higher class and thus he was allowed privileges outside of what he would have normally been exposed to, such as education.

    • Attended school throughout his childhood, but was generally a nuisance and labeled a troublemaker. This mischievous and reckless behavior carried over into his adolescence. His dream of one day becoming a privateer began.

    • In 1710, when he was 16 years old, he began working in the mines, mining for coal in order to earn his keep. It was not a job his mother approved of for someone of his class, but James felt like he belonged there rather than dinner parties and pointless balls

    • By the age of 18, he came across a young woman who was screaming at a couple of rascals who had stolen her school bag. After chasing them, beating them, and returning her bag, he learned her name was Lucy Thomas and the two began courting shortly thereafter.

    • A few months into the courtship, he got into an argument with his mother over whether or not he was ready or mature enough to start a family. He grew so enraged that he stormed off and refused any contact with her.

    • James married Lucy Thomas in 1713 at the age of 19. Their son, John was born exactly 8 months later. Unfortunately he caught ill and died only after a few weeks.

    • In the fall of 1714, he learned that his mother had passed away. He did not make it back to his hometown in time for the funeral. James became inconsolable at both the loss of his child and mother and turned to drink.

    • The following year, his wife slowly grew tired of his self-destructive and reckless behavior and eventually left him and returned to her family. James retaliated by running off and stowing away on a ship headed further out the West Indies. He fulfilled his dream of becoming a privateer a few months later.

    they're sorry for my going away

    • James spent several years under contract for the government, captaining his ship and, by letters of marque, took down any foreign vessels during wartime; as well as mobilized armed ships and sailors without having to spend treasury resources or depend on naval officers. He lived successfully this way for some time and was paid quite handsomely for it.

    • In the early year of 1720, his vessel was captured by the pirate Captain Jack Rackham and his crew. He was offered then to either join him or be tossed overboard. James accepted Rackham's offer and henceforth became a pirate.

    • Aboard the Revenge, James became acquainted with the female pirates Anne Bonny and Mary Read. He took an instant liking to the fiery and unconventional Mary and within a few weeks the two became lovers. They grew very close in their time together and eventually they unofficially married by stating their vows to each other without the presence of a minister.

    • He was briefly caught and held on trial at Port Royal, just managing to escape the gallows thanks to Mary and a few other men coming to his aid. The letter 'P' had unfortunately been branded on to his chest for his crimes, the burn stating what he was and always would be.

    • A few weeks later, the Revenge captured another vessel. Only a few people survived the initial capture, the rest were killed. Among the few survivors was a woman. James did not waste any time in trying to convince her to join Rackham's crew later that night, not wanting to see a woman tossed overboard (his time with Mary having softened him a little). The woman agreed and soon joined them. That was the day that James met Phillipa Normandy.

    • Things were very successful for Rackham and his crew for a few months as they continued to raid and plunder any unfortunate vessel that crossed their path in the West Indies. However, this streak eventually came to an end when in October 1720, their ship was attacked by pirate hunter Captain Jonathan Barnet during a rum party on the West Coast. Drunk and disoriented, Rackham and his men dragged a reluctant Phillipa along and fled to the ship's hold for protection, leaving only James, Anne and Mary to fight. In the fray James was knocked unconscious and thrown overboard. He came to a few minutes later and discovered that the ship was sailing away, already too far for him to reach. All he could do was float there and watch them leave, unknowing of the fate for all of those on board.

    • James remained adrift on a piece of wreckage for a few days, eventually washing up on a small island. A few hours later, Phillipa appeared as well. He soon learned she was the only one besides him to escape the attack, everyone else was either executed or thrown in prison at Kingston. Jack Rackham was hanged in Port Royal and his beloved Mary Read remained in jail, giving birth to a daughter he would never know of before succumbing to the strain of her childbirth.

    and all the sweethearts that e'er I've loved

    • After being rescued by a passing ship, James and Phillipa decided to stay together, as they were all that was left of their crew.

    • By 1722, the captain of their ship was killed in a raid gone bad and James stepped forward and was then named captain of the Damnation's Howl with Phillipa as his first mate. James's ruthless and daredevil approach to taking ships at sea and his eagerness to leap into the midst of combat during a raid and fight alongside his crew quickly earned him the nickname 'Mad Dog Maddox' among the West Indies.

    • In about 1724, he began to develop strong feelings for Phillipa, but kept them entirely to himself for fear of dishonoring Mary's memory, or forsaking their close Captain-First Mate bond. He tried his best to keep her at arms length a majority of the time and it did not always work; but while it was hard, he knew it was for both their own good. No one, not even Phillipa, ever caught wind of their captain having such sentiments.

    • While revisiting Kingston in 1726, James was attacked by a seemingly crazed animal while he was out drinking. He did not recall the event too well as he had been heavily intoxicated at the time, but he definitely remembered waking up to see his shirt ripped and an angry looking wound on his chest. After that, he began to notice that any wounds he received in skirmishes healed within a few hours.

    • In 1728 he shifted for the first time. James was very shocked and frightened by this and it took him several days before he could shift back. He thought that Kingston was cursed and never returned there again. After that event, he returned to his ship and rarely went back on land and told of his secret to no one.

    • By 1733 pirates were being heavily hunted down and Captain Mad Dog was one of the highest priced names on the seas A pirate hunter finally found them just off the coast of Nassau. In the battle, Phillipa was captured in an effort to use as a bargain for his surrender. Before any sort of agreement could be made, she was stabbed in the stomach. The Damnation's Howl was almost overthrown, but James in his fury, banded his remaining men together and they fought off the hunters and sunk their brig. Phillipa was beyond saving and his men knew it. James brought them to shore and carried her off, supposedly to take her to a doctor, but he had other ideas. Having no other choice and not willing to lose the only woman left in his life that he loved, he bit her over the heart as he had been years before in hopes that that would somehow restore her. Ashamed and hating himself for what he did, he handed her over to the nearest doctor before she could wake and he sailed his men onward again, all of them assuming her dead. He left her behind in hopes that she would find a better, safer life - one without him in it.

    they'd wish me one more day to stay

    • By May 1736, when he was supposed to be 42 years old, it was beginning to become evident to some that his face was not aging. In the next battle against pirate hunters, James faked his own death when it was clear that his ship was going down. To all of the West Indies, the legend of James "Mad Dog" Maddox ended the way all successful legends did: the good captain went down with his ship.

    • James then began to go by Kristian Maddox, the supposed bastard son of the late James Maddox. And he kept up this facade for years before leaving the West Indies all together, finding himself in Ireland for a while, where he lived comfortably and discreetly for 28 years.

    • Eventually, Kristian found his way to New England around 1774. A year later when the Revolutionary War began, he soon got himself caught in the middle of it and fled, fearful of his heritage being discovered. The war found him anyways at New York in 1776 and he found himself fighting alongside the patriots, not sure why, but slowly realizing that he had missed getting his hands dirty.

    • His thirst for blood did not end with the war, and so he was soon out searching for more opportunities. Eventually he ended up in France in 1791, just in time to get in the middle of the French Revolution. His resentment towards the privileges enjoyed by the clergy and aristocracy fueled his enthusiasm and so he fought valiantly until the war's end in 1799.

    • By 1800, he made himself comfortable in Paris for a time, eventually finding a few that were like him in the fact that they were shifters. From the small group, he learned quite a bit about himself and what he really was, but a lot of it he had already figured out on his own. Still, he enjoyed their company for a while.

    • In the spring of 1871, the Paris government rose in its authority and came to be known as the commune. It was the result of an uprising in Paris after France was defeated in the Franco-Prussian war (which he also assisted in briefly). This uprising was chiefly caused by the disaster in the war and the growing discontent among french workers. Violence and destruction was everywhere and of course Kristian was all over it, fighting off the offenders and helping the innocent seek refuge in the basement of the Paris opera house. When the revolt was finally suppressed, Kristian decided his time in France had come to an end and headed off elsewhere.

    • He completely dropped off the radar then and spent the next century exploring all that he could of the world. The earth was changing and he knew that if he wanted to survive, he needed to change with the times and better understand all that was suddenly important to the humans around him.

    but since it falls unto my lot

    • In 1912 he returned to to America and began to explore his shifter abilities more and lived life as a wolf for several years in the north. He eventually began to accept this side of him, but he still viewed himself a monster for what he had done to Phillipa and some of the lives that were lost along the way in his past fits of rage.

    • Kris met Jane Ayres, a young girl starting college, while he was in London in 2004. After a few months they began a relationship, though he was hesitant as his past relations with women had never ended in a good way. He also did not know if it was for her to be with a shifter. But, Jane persisted... and he was still the reckless swashbuckler at heart and so against his better judgement, the two ended up married in 2012.

    • When it was discovered in the fall of 2017 that Jane was pregnant, Kris knew what needed to be done and paradise was soon burned to the ground when he finally told her of what he truly was and what would become of her if he did not make her the same. Betrayed by Kris's life changing secret, but not wanting to die and lose her child, Jane soon agreed, but separated from him once she was turned; however they remained in contact through the duration of her pregnancy. He never told her of his past life as a pirate and chose to keep it that way.

    • Elianna Phillipa Ayres was born nine months later on June 19, 2018. Even though Kris and Jane were separated, he was still allowed to see his daughter a few times a month and he was soon overwhelmed with love for her. She was named from her maternal grandmother, but Kris always called her his Ellie. She was his first child that had survived infancy (or that he knew about) and she quickly became his whole world.

    • Through the years Kris was not in Ellie's life nearly as much as he wanted to be, but he tried to see her as much as possible. Eventually, Jane began to trust him again and the two attempted to rekindle their relationship and become a family once more. They all lived peacefully for a few years.

    that I should rise and you should not

    • In 2023, while Kris was driving himself and Ellie home from the airport after visiting with Jane's parents, their car was struck by a drunken truck driver. Kris received a cut to his temple and a sprained wrist. Ellie was not so lucky. His daughter was thrown through the windshield. With his phone wrecked in the accident and miles outside of any sort of town, there was no one that could help them. Kris did the only thing he could think to do and carried a critically wounded Ellie to the nearest hospital several miles away. When Jane was finally made aware of what happened, she was furious. While Ellie was in surgery, she drove to the hospital and confronted Kristian, blaming him for the accident; she said he was unfit to be a father and repeatedly called him a monster for letting Ellie nearly get killed and ruining her own life. Their fighting got so bad that they were asked to leave the premises. The next day Ellie, while stable, was found to be in a coma. Jane told Kristian to leave them for good and never find her or Ellie again or she would have him arrested on false charges of domestic violence and child abuse and neglect.

    • Kristian was forced to leave his family and never learned of the fate of his daughter. Having nothing left in his life, he stole a boat and went out to sea for the first time in 50 years. It was there he stayed, living his life in the best imitation he could of back in the times when things were simpler and life had no meaning but survival and wealth. It was pleasant at first, it of course did not last.

    • His boat eventually found its way to the island of Austere in 2025 and he came ashore. From there, he decided to start his life anew for perhaps the fifth time. And it was then that James Kristian "Mad Dog" Maddox was born again, ready to raise all sorts of hell.

    I'll gently rise and softly call:

    good night and joy be with you all

    - ESTP personality type. 'The Doer'
    - Captain "Mad Dog" Maddox 1722 - 1736
    - Has a P branded on the right side of his chest. The brand is relatively hidden by the tattoo of a scorpion over it.
    - Fluent in Spanish, German, Russian, Portuguese, Greek, Italian, and French (though he would prefer not to use it unless he had to).
    - Always has had a taste for the finer things in life, but the idea of adventure is what seduces him the most.
    - Has always been surprisingly selfless towards those that he cared for.
    - Kristian preferred to captain his ship personally instead of having a dedicated helmsman, which was very unlike many other captains of his time
    - His eagerness to leap into the midst of combat during a raid and fight alongside his crew was also what set him apart from other captains and made him such a strong name among the West Indies.
    - Kristian has loved four women in his life, but only Phillipa has truly held his heart. He has commitment issues because of this.
    - Stopped aging at 32 when he was turned in 1726.
    - Has a unique blend of a Welsh and Irish accent.
    - Goes by his middle name instead of his first, but will still respond to 'James'.
    - Has a strong case of ADD, one of the reasons he can never be still for long
    - A fan of 'rock n roll', he would often play records for Ellie when she'd come to stay with him on the weekends. He would also tell her 'pirate stories', real accounts of his own life under the cover of a bedtime story.
    - Refuses to get drunk.
    - Rather musical, he enjoys playing both acoustic and electric guitar on occasion as well as the piano and trumpet. He briefly played in the New York Philharmonic in the 1940s.

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